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5 Reasons Dylan’s Pet Food Is More Sustainable Than Other Dog Food Brands
July 9, 2020 at 4:00 AM

Your pet deserves the best. Most pet food brands on the market today use toxic and artificial ingredients as well as animal byproducts that are not fit for human consumption. These ingredients have a detrimental impact to the health of your dog and the environment as well. As our slogan states “make a change, while feeding healthy”, when we created Dylan’s Pet Food, we set out to create a product that makes an environmental change for the better while at the same time providing your pup with all the healthy nutrients they need to thrive. Below we discuss our commitment to operate at an environmentally sustainable level and our passion for the highest quality ingredients.

Organic and NON GMO ingredients.

We pride ourselves on using ingredients grown with the absolute absence of harmful pesticides. Chemicals used on plants can negatively alter the surrounding landscape and cause a disturbance in the ecosystem. As lovers of all animals, we would never want our products to contain chemicals and toxins that could possibly hurt any living creature, wild or domesticated. At Dylan’s Pet Food we take pride in using all organic and non-GMO ingredients when creating our recipes. We do this because when using organic ingredients, we are promoting the health of the consumer and the planet at the same time. Not many people know this but during the farming process of GMO crops, farmers use toxic herbicides and pesticides that are detrimental to the environment and the end consumer. Components in herbicides are linked to cancer, Parkinson’s and much more. On top of that herbicides and pesticides used in GMO farming are also linked to the decline of marine habitats in coastal water ways, the pollution of rivers and lakes, and are responsible for contaminating our drinking water.

We use sustainable plant-based proteins.

In order to provide enough protein in our recipes, we use organic hemp protein powder and organic pea protein powder. These two sources of sustainable protein supply enough protein for your pups and are packed with antioxidants, minerals, fiber and heart-healthy unsaturated fats.

Smaller Water foot print.

By switching to a plant-based diet you can significantly lower your fresh water foot print. In fact, while certain estimates vary on the exact amount of water saved by going plant based or vegan, even the lower estimates show annual water saving of 150,000 gallons per person. A study published by Oxford University states that “a well-balanced and predominantly plant-based diet can lead to improved nutrient levels, reduce premature deaths from chronic diseases by more than 20%, and lower greenhouse gas emissions, fertilizer application, and cropland and freshwater use, globally and in most regions.”


Biodegradable and recyclable packaging.

During the packaging and labeling process of Dylan’s Pet Food we use 100% biodegradable and recyclable packaging to help preserve the environment as best we can.

Smaller carbon foot print.

According to a new study, a vegan diet is the “single biggest measure” that can be taken to reduce environmental pollution. Researchers at the University of Oxford found that not eating meat and dairy products can reduce a person’s carbon footprint by up to 73%.


Dylan’s Pet Food began in 2017 when our founder was trying to find the healthiest food for his dog, Dylan. Learning quickly that most kibble brands use highly processed recipes and unhealthy ingredients, his mission became clear. After years of product development, Dylan’s Pet Food was finally distributed to happy pet owners all over the country. We live by our slogan “make a change while feeding healthy,” and strive to promote wellness throughout the pet food industry. Our customers matter to us, and we thank all of you for choosing Dylan’s Pet Food!

We are always eager to hear from you. Please give us a call or send us a note if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.